“Non Brothel Based Female Sex Workers"
(Community Event in Noor-e-lahi)

BhartiyaParivardhanSanstha is running the ongoing Targeted Intervention Project on Non Brothel Based Commercial Sex Workers since 2004 in collaboration with Delhi State AIDS Control Society, Govt. of NCT of Delhi & National AIDS Control Organization and Govt. of India. Its targeted area is North-East Delhi. The Targeted Intervention started with the need assessment and social mapping in the North-East Delhi in general and six major intervention sites. In particular, the intervention project has completed nine years hitherto. 


Targeted Intervention aims at offering prevention and care services to High Risk Groups such as FSWs within community by providing them with information, education, communication, means and skills that are needed to manage HIV transmission and improving their access to care, support and treatment services.


This program has also given improvement in sexual and reproductive health of these populations and tried to improve their general health by helping them to reduce the harm associated with behavior such as sex work.


The intervention in the Eight year was highly challenging as it had to cover 1456 of target groups with the following key components – Outreach & Communication, Services, Enabling Environment & Community Mobilization. The Sanstha   provides treatment to patients, who were suffering from white discharge, lower abdominal pain, genital ulcer and other kinds of problems pertaining to STD in the project area. 


Sanstha has been working with 1500 FSWs with the following objectives:

  • To provide innovative and effective BCC to FSWs and stakeholders of the community in order to promote safe behavior.
  • To promote consistent and correct use of condom among the target communities through various channels.
  • To provide care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS with in TI command area.
  • Enabling Environment- To create an environment supportive to service delivery and community development.
  • To ensure that the knowledge, skills and services that are necessary for detection and treatment of STD infection are available for the high risk behaviour group.
  • To support and facilitate changes in the Community so that they are empowered to articulate their issues and develop their own solution.
  • Monitoring and evaluating to ensure quality of service.
  • To provide information, education & communication (IEC) to FSWs on HIV/AIDS and STD.


Intervention includes the activities like one to one meeting with HRGs, one to group, identify Peer Educators (PEs) replace existing PEs, registration of FSWs at project, regular contacts, weekly/monthly meeting with peer educators and ORWs, providing of BCC kit, distribution of IEC material, regular supply and distribution of condoms to the FSWs, peers and outlets, regular STD clinics and referrals to ICTC and other referral centers, regular BCC events and enabling environment, counseling sessions, conduct interpersonal behavior change communication (IPC), capacity standards jointly with staff and PEs. Last but not the least, regular trainings and monitoring over all activities of the project were organized.


The area allotted to BhartiyaParivardhanSanstha by DSACS for intervention is North-East Delhi (Trans Yamuna). It is very widespread area with varying topography. BhartiyaParivardhanSanstha has 6 sites & 20 hot spots in North East District.

The area consists of JJ clusters, slums, pusta, rehabilitation colonies, and lower middle class colonies.