Sponsoring Agency

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, New Delhi.



30 bedded De-addiction center



.      To create awareness and to educate people.

.      To evolve culture – specific models for prevention and cure of drugs-addiction.

.      To establish nursing centers for treatment and rehabilitation.

.      To promote collective initiative for drug addiction frees India.


Drug De-addiction center

     :   D-1, BastiVikas Kendra, NandNagri, Delhi,


Due to migration from neighboring states the population of North East Delhi has considerably increased. They are residing in slums and face numerous problems and gradually become victims of several types of drug- addictions. Despite sincere efforts of Govt., their deplorable conditions did not improve; rather they slip from bad to the worse.

 Sanstha’ has been associated in this field adopting various measures such as development of awareness material and distribution of pamphlets & leaflets, organizing seminars and group discussions, generating awareness campaigns, visiting door to door of the dwellers etc. The campaigns were organized at different places.  But the state of affairs does not seem to be very satisfactory.  Even baseline survey after contacting door to door of the residents of Nand Nagri and collected information about drug addiction. The Base line survey after door-to-door contacts helps in collecting information about drug de-addiction and creating public opinion among women.

 After analyzing the whole scenario, it can comfortably be stated that this type of abuse and alcoholism is nothing but a psycho-socio medical problem. In this regard, the approach would be to provide services including awareness generation, identification, treatment and rehabilitation. The thrust will be on preventive education program and to convert addicts as a normal person into the mainstream of society.