BhartiyaParivardhanSanstha (BPS) is running a targeted intervention project for the prevention of HIVS AIDS among injecting drug users since April 2008. The Targeted Intervention Project is being implemented under the guidelines of National AIDS Control Programme (NACO III). The project is supported by Delhi AIDSControl Society (DSACS) and with the guidance of State Training and Resource Centre (STRC) and Technical Support Unit (TSU). BPS has successfully completed its period of intervention. Injecting drug users are a third HRG for which targeted intervention are of critical and crucial importance. HIV is highly transmissible through the sharing of needles and other injection equipments, so it can spread very rapidly within networks of IDUs, who share injecting equipment with each other. IDUs are those who use drugs through injecting routes in the last 3 months. Targeted Intervention is prevention intervention that specifically addresses HRGs, who are at risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV injection.


The Central purpose of TIs among IDUs and their sexual partners is to prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS.


  • To reduce the vulnerability of HIV infection among the IDUs in intervention areas through awareness generation
  • To increase STD/HIV/AIDS awareness knowledge among the IDUs and bridge population.
  • To enhance the accessibility of IDUs at ICTC & DOTS to reduce STD among the targeted community.
  • To create an enabling environment to mitigate and reduce the impact of HIV&AIDS on IDUs.
  • To promote consistent and correct use of condom among the communities through demonstration, distribution and social marketing.
  • To create an environment supportive to service delivery and community development.

Alliance Integrated Harm Reduction Programme – HRIDAYA

Bhartiya Parivardhan Sanstha (BPS) is running a Hridaya Project for the prevention of HIVS/AIDS and SRH(Sexual Reproductive Health) among partners/spouses of injecting drug users since February 2019. The Hridaya Project is being implemented under the guidelines of India HIV/AIDS Alliance. BPS has successfully completed its period of intervention.

Integrated SRH and HIV interventions

  • Safer sex promotion to prevent STIs, HIV and unintended pregnancy
  • Activities to support a satisfying sexual life
  • Increasing access to HIV testing and counseling
  • Joining up family planning and HIV services
  • Safe abortion and post-abortion care
  • Protecting and enhancing fertility
  • HIV treatment (ART)
  • Preventing HIV transmission to babies during pregnancy, delivery and after birth
  • Improving maternal and newborn health
  • Treatment of HIV-positive children
  • Optimising integration between STI and HIV services
  • Male circumcision
  • Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of SRH-related cancers
  • Addressing gender-based violence

Sexual Reproductive Health(SRH)

Sexual Health + Reproductive Health = SRH

Sexual Health-Sexual Health is a personal sense of human being, as well as the absence of disease, infections or illness associated with sexual behavior. It includes issues of self-esteem, self-expression, caring for others and cultural values.


Reproductive Health-It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processess-WHO

Components of SRH

Sexual Health

Reproductive Health

Love, Choice & Pleasure

Family Planning & Safe motherhood

Equality & intimacy


Express sexuality and gender without shame or fear


Safe Abortion & Safe Sex

Maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH)

Early diagnosis &treatment of STIs & HIV

Safe Delivery

Condoms, Lubricants and contraceptives choice


No violence or force

Good Nutrition


Caring parents

Basic SRH needs of IDUs/FIDUs and sexual partners/spouses

Safer sex promotion

•Safer sexual practices/risk behavior

•Multiple sexual partners/Discordance

•Condoms and lubes

•Drug use and sexual risk taking




•Information & testing

•Diagnosis and treatment

•Diagnosis & treatment of SRH related cancers

Family Planning

•Methods of contraception

•Safe abortion

Supporting a satisfying sexual life

•Drugs and sex

•Mutual sexual satisfaction

•Sexual dysfunctions/Masturbation

•Condom negotiation

Improving maternal and new born health

•Antenatal, perinatal and post partum care


•Vaccinations & Immunizations

•Timely detection of pregnancy

•ART contradictions in pregnancy

•OST during pregnancy

Linkages between SRH and HIV services

•Services available & access

•Referral mechanisms

Adolescents and reproductive health

•SRH needs of younger drug users

•Sexual vulnerability and drug use associated with girls

•Change in sexual practices with age

Protecting and enhancing fertility

•Prevention and treatment of infertility


1Number of FSP and FIDU reached/identified and registered with Hridaya services.428386
2Number of FIDU identified and registered with essential harm reduction services.216
3Number of beneficiaries (FSP and FIDU) successfully referred for HIV testing.385211
4Number of beneficiaries (FSP and FIDU) counselled for SRH and STI services.(All registered FSPs and FIDUs will be counseled once in a quarter)428386
5Number of beneficiaries successfully referred for SRH (non-STI) services.22182
6Number of beneficiaries successfully referred for STI services.42814
7Number of FIDUs registered with OST212
8Number of FIDUs referred and tested for Hepatitis.18139
9Number of education sessions (group sessions) conducted on OD,Hepatitis and SRH under Hridaya.9084
10Number of beneficiaries educated on Gender based violence428203
ORW organize a FGD meeting with the Partners of injecting drug users.
BPS has organized a Medical Health Camp coordination with Suraksha Clinic team.

BPS IDU-TI has distributed ration among 200 needy persons during lockdown at Sunder Nagri.